I am Robert Helling and this is my blog discussing the theoretical (physics) aspects of scuba diving.
By day, I work as a theoretical physicist at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München where I am the scientific manager of a master program in “Theoretical and Mathematical Physics“.
And I love scuba diving. Too bad I don’t have as much time anymore for this hobby as I would like to. So I started theoretical diving which can be performed from an office or a sofa. I started contributing to the OpenSource diving software Subsurface where I focus onthe dive planing and decompression parts.

While coding for Subsurface, I came across some aspects of decompression theory and diving physics in general that I found to be not so well known in the community (or at least I wasn’t aware of them before) or simply fun to know that I decided to set up this place to communicate them (and yes, I know the global audience for these kinds of topics is quite limited but don’t we love the Interwebs for the long tail effects?).
Not all posts are by myself. I you have something to contribute to the topic of this blog let me know and become a guest author!