Testing of No Fly Times in Commercial Off-the-Shelf Dive Computers

Here is another contribution by Doug Fraedrich. This time, the text would probably better fit on theepxerimentaldiver.org: He tests dive computers No-Fly-Times algorithms and compares those to DAN’s recommendations and the respective user manuals. For some more theoretical considerations regarding diving and flying, see this older post. Introduction It is well known that divers must … Continue reading “Testing of No Fly Times in Commercial Off-the-Shelf Dive Computers”

Setting Gradient Factors based on published probability of DCS

This is a contributed post by Doug Fraedrich in which he reports on a recent paper by him and which is also mentioned in Doolette’s blog post I just commented on. Recently I published a methodology on how to set conservatism factors on commercial dive computers based on published probability of decompression sickness (DCS) data … Continue reading “Setting Gradient Factors based on published probability of DCS”