AI Real Gas Blending

I understand the kids today use generative AI for everything. So, it is just natural to use it to blend some diving gases as well. I already had my CGI script to compute how to top up your gases using Subsurface’s real gas approximation.

Now, I played around with some large language models and turned out to be able to rewrite this in JavaScript (which I don’t really speak but enough to put some finishing touches). As a bonus, there is no “Calculate” button but as in the Subsurface planner, you get instant results. You can find it here.

Everything in a stand alone html file that you can of course also install locally. You find in in the RealBlender Github Repository.

2 thoughts on “AI Real Gas Blending”

  1. Pretty nice! I have something similar that I made with excel (coding is not my forte), but with partial pressure blend. And also my 3 top up gases are fixed (pure helium, pure oxygen, and air or nitrox), so yours is much more flexible in that area.

    However I have the possibility to input the cylinder size (in litres) with price per litre for both oxygen and helium. Based on that, it gives oxygen and helium cost of the top ups. Which is nice to have when you blend for others.

    Also, based on the target mix, I have a small table which displays for ppO2 ranging from 1.2 to 1.6: equivalent depth, ppN2 at that depth, END, and gas density (g/l). Gas density is shown in orange between 5.2 and 6.2, and starting 6.2 onward it shows in red. I find this as a valuable information when preparing a mix.

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