VPM-B for real dives (or not)

The VPM-B model (of which I have described my understanding in previous posts) has a “derivation” in terms of bubble physics which I, as readers should have noticed, have some trouble to follow through completely as it is, to say the least, ad hoc and sketchy in places. I bet, only based on this derivation … Continue reading “VPM-B for real dives (or not)”

VPM-B: How it works (the no non-sense version)

One of the features that Subsurface users kept asking for were other deco models besides Bühlmann (including gradient factors). In particular, they wanted to see a bubble model implemented. I was reluctant to do so for some time since I believed (like many other divers) that you can produce fine decompression profiles that look like … Continue reading “VPM-B: How it works (the no non-sense version)”

VPM-B: How to compute your deco

This is the first technical post about the inner workings of the VPM-B deco model. Here I will just present the algorithm (including the relevant formulas, some of them maybe in an unusual form) while the physical motivation or derivation will be the subject of a future post.   I try not to parrot the … Continue reading “VPM-B: How to compute your deco”

VPM-B: Wie funktioniert’s (deutsche Übersetzung)

Dies ist der erste technische Post darüber, wie VPM-B funktioniert. Ich werde nur den Algorithmus beschrieben (mit allen wichtigen Formeln, einige davon vielleicht  in ungewohnter Form), während die physikalische Herleitung in einem späteren Post behandelt werden wird.  Ich werde nicht versuchen, die ursprüngliche Herleitung nachzubeten (auch schon alleine, weil ich sie nicht wirklich verstehe), sondern … Continue reading “VPM-B: Wie funktioniert’s (deutsche Übersetzung)”

VPM-B Gradients as Gradient factors

In a comment, Rick suggested that given that in the end, VPM-B computes depth dependent maximal gradients, one could compare those to the depth dependent gradients computed from the Buehlmann model and expressed as gradient factors (i.e. as percentage of the gradient of a plain vanilla Buehlmann gradient). Here is what I found when I … Continue reading “VPM-B Gradients as Gradient factors”

Probabilistic decompression models: Probably problematic

It has been very quiet here for a while. That is partly because there is a topic that I wanted to discuss here and since my take was going to be at least somewhat problematic, I felt for a while that I needed to do more reading to get the facts right. But now the … Continue reading “Probabilistic decompression models: Probably problematic”

A measure for decompression stress

I was thinking what might be a good measure for decompression quality or stress. This also comes as O’Dive with their end user Doppler Device claim to provide exactly that in their mobile phone application. As said before, I have some doubts about their approach, so let’s try to come up with something better. As … Continue reading “A measure for decompression stress”

A few thoughts on Oxygen Toxicity

Recently, at Subsurface, we decided to look into the calculations of oxygen toxicity related to diving. Here is what I learned (admittedly, not too much). According to what we could find on the inter-webs, there are two things to consider: The effect on your brain (the CNS value) and on you lungs (OTU for oxygen … Continue reading “A few thoughts on Oxygen Toxicity”